Koh Phangan’s Full Moon

Erika Jumping Through Flaming Hoop

Erika jumping through flaming hoop

Because of the previous night, the ferry to bus to ferry ride, the journey from Phi Phi to Koh Phangan was a bleary eyed and exhausting voyage. The island is big and we were staying on the exact opposite side of Haad Rin, the Full Moon party’s location. We lounged, swam, napped, and ate – resting for the night to come. But wait, there’s more!

Welcome to Phi Phi

Maya Beach

A packed payload of ten backpackers, bags included, in the back of a pickup truck, and one ferry ride later, and we had docked in Koh Phi Phi. Sheer limestone cliffs capped in a carpet of trees, surrounded by three different colors of blue water makes for an entrance so dramatic that it makes a red carpet seem like, well, a red piece of carpet.  Welcome to Phi Phi. Immediately accosted by locals hawking hostels and hotels, Vicki, Erika, and I made our way into town inquiring and viewing rooms along the way. But wait, there’s more!

The Penang Layover

Thai temple in Georgetown

The Perhentian islands were beautiful…absolutely incredible.  But we needed a two month Thai visa so we headed over to Penang, Malaysia to visit the Thai embassy and sample some of Malaysia’s finest food….according to tips on Penang.

After an 8 hour minibus ride, we arrived in Penang with 2 more friends than we had started with and looked for a budget hotel.  A fellow San Franciscan (who of course knows people we know), Joe, was with us just for one night before flying up to Bangkok and then home, Charlotte was on the last 3 days of her 8 month travels before heading home to Stuttgard (Germany) and Vicki is still traveling with us. But wait, there’s more!